Need 3D models? For print or video to visualise buildings, furniture, tools, vehicles, terrain, vegetation or anything else?

Custom made realistic models from your sketches - or from our 3D model stock.

File formats for 3Ds, LW or other 3D and rendering software.

Questions? Send an e-mail! Also have a look at this page with ANIMATIONS

Down this page you will find some 3D scenes - both terrain models, objects and organic shapes - made by Wind videoproduksjon.

Black Brant XII
The research missile launched from Andøya in Norway that made president Jeltsin fumble with the lock of the Nuclear War Suitcase.

Organic models like animals or human characters jumping, swimming, walking....
No problem! - but usually takes a little more time than geometric objects..

3D animations and 3D illustrations are often used to make visual effects. Also often used to make "exploded view" or "fly through" to explain how complex models work - or what they look like inside.

2-dimensional images and drawings can be converted into 3D models.

Also have a look at this page with ANIMATIONS

Hydropower station.
Engine cut through
Beach scene. The sky is from a photograph. All other items in the scene are 3D models made by Wind videoproduksjon.

Models can be made in sizes down to nanometers. No size limit. Jupiter and your favourite car in the same scene? No problem! Surfaces and textures are made and placed on the models to make them look shiny, worn out, rusty, bumpy... Carefully made textures can make your scene look photo realistic.

Terrain models / landscapes
3D map of Svartisen glacier, Norway. Converted from a hand drawn black and white displacement map. Which took some time to draw!
The Storglomvatn Dam (Text in Norwegian).
Same 3D model as the map on the left,
but a quite different camera position.

Digital terrain data or black and white drawings can be used to make displacement maps and 3D terrain models. You can dercide parameters for vegetation areas, mix of vegetation, snow, desert, beaches, steep rocks with colors and layers - and many more.

A new building site? Or a map covering a big area? Look at the two pictures above. The same terrain model was used. The only difference is the position of the camera.

We move the "camera" to the right position for your 3D snapshots! And we make animations by flying over the model like a plane or a bird. We even fly through the model to show what it looks like inside. Steel beams and concrete walls are no problem!

Vegetation, snow limit, weather, wave and sun angle an be adjusted to make the scene look realistic.

Buildings and objects
Small and big buildings, furniture, tools and "anything" can be made as 3D models. Some models can also be found in online libraries, or bought when needed. We like to fully control the result, which means it is often best to make the models and the textures from scratch.
Detail from image on the left.

Textures made digitally: textiles, wood and glass

Fish farming equipment and boats.

Copyright © Inge Bergset